8 Surprising Health Benefits of Farting

Farting is a totally natural bodily function and your farts can speak volumes about your health and wellness. So, let it rip!

The majority of society views farting as gross – which it can be, and an absolute social no-no. But, passing gas is a completely natural bodily function. In fact, a mostly healthy person might pass gas 14 ti 18 times per day, sometimes not even realising it because the farts are mostly silent and odorless. Only a very small percent (around 1 percent) causes the signature foul smell of farts. Here, we discuss some important health benefits of farting:

1. It reduces bloating


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You know that feeling of fullness and discomfort in your belly after a big meal? That’s gas, waiting to escape. Letting it fly will instantly reduce your bloating and discomfort.

2. It’s good for your digestive health


Credit: Photo: Cheeky Wearables

You know how your mom told you when you were little not to “hold it?” She was right. If you have digestive issues, holding in your fart can potentially cause medical troubles for your colon.

3. It’s an excellent warning system


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Your gas can occasionally predict major health issues early: Extreme smells, increasing gas frequency, and strange gas pains can alert you to conditions as mild as lactose intolerance, and as scary as colon cancer.

4. The smell is good for you


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It sounds weird, but studies have indicated that a compound we produce in small quantities in our gas, hydrogen sulfide, might actually protect us against cell damage and prevent strokes and heart attacks.

5. It can help with your diet


Credit: Photo: Cheeky Wearables

Different foods produce different kinds of gas, letting you know what you may be missing from your diet, or overindulging in. For example, if you rarely fart, you probably need more fiber in your meals.

6. It indicates healthy gut bacteria


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Here’s a slightly unpleasant truth: slimmer, healthier people often fart more. In other words, the price you pay for better overall health might be a slightly stinkier digestive system.

7. It’s a huge relief


Credit: Photo: Pixabay

There is no better feeling than releasing a long-held fart. Holding in gas can make you grumpy, uncomfortable, and snappish; reasonably, releasing boosts your mood considerably!

8. It gets rid of waste


Credit: Photo: Pixabay

Your body releases stinky gas as a part of its normal digestive process. Farting helps to expel the parts of digested food that could not be used or turned into energy for the body to use.